Maintaining Certification


Each year, PAIP® and PAIP.a™ practitioners are required to complete an annual attestation and pay their annual fees. The annual attestation includes recommitting to PAIP Canada's Code of Conduct.

Annual Fees

Each year, all PAIP and PAIP.a practitioners are required to pay an annual fee to continue using the credentials alongside their name. At the current time, this amount is $188 for PAIP and PAIP.a designation holders.

CE Requirements

Each year, all PAIP and PAIP.a practitioners are required to complete a mandatory number of Continuing Education (CE) credit hours as shown below. The CE course that covers the ethics component will be provided by PAIP Canada. 

Credit hours completed in excess of the annual requirement can be carried over to the next year (in the same category). Credit hours received in one category cannot be applied to any other category.


Annual Requirement

Maximum Carryover Permitted
Ethics 1 0
Business Conduct / Compliance 4 4
Professional Development 10 10
Total 15 n/a



Each year, PAIP Holders and PAIP.a Holders are required to volunteer for a minimum of one hour in their local community. There is no requirement for this hour to relate to one's profession.

Marks Use

For more information on how the PAIP and PAIP.a designation can used, this document has been made available.