What does PAIP® and PAIP.a™ stand for?

PAIP stands for Planning and Investment Practitioner.

PAIP.a stands for Planning and Investment Practitioner associate.

Once I sign up, how long does it take to get access to the course content?

All course content is delivered online. It will take no more than 5 minutes to get access to all written content which can be downloaded and printed. 

How long do I have to complete the curriculum and the final exam?

You have up to 2 years from the date of registration.

How are the tests administered?

The tests for each module are done online inside the learning management system (LMS). The final exam is conducted via a live proctoring session.

How many tests are there in total?

The PAIP designation has five tests and one final exam. The PAIP.a designation has four tests and one final exam.

Why are there so many test?

By splitting the content into smaller amounts, we believe that you will be better able to study for, and master the content more thoroughly.

Where can I find a table of contents?

Please click here for a full breakdown of the PAIP curriculum, and here for a full breakdown of the PAIP.a curriculum.

If I'm taking the QAFP or CFP exam, can I use this content to study?

The content that we provide to all registrants covers a very large part of what is tested on the QAFP and CFP examinations. We also cover a number of additional topics.

Once I receive the designation and need to fulfill CE requirements, how do you determine how many credit hours each course is worth?

We use the number of credit hours provided by CIRO or FP Canada.

What if the number of credit hours conflict?

We accept the higher number of credit hours.

Is either designation recognized by FSRA in Ontario?

At this time, neither designation is approved. We are seeking approval in 2024.